


17:00 - 18:00

Smart City Series #18: Smart City Living Lab Amsterdam “Marineterrein”

Smart City #18: Tom van Arman is Smart City Architect & Future City Maker and reports on the Smart City Living Lab in Amsterdam

How do you create responsible cities of the future? How do you test and experiment with new smart city solutions? No easy task. In Amsterdam, the “Marineterrein Amsterdam” has been available since 2019 as a living lab for researching, experimenting and testing smart city solutions in a real environment. The Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab (MALL) was opened by Bureau Marineterrein, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute), Amsterdam Smart City and other partners and is very popular! We look forward to Tom van Arman telling us more.

The presentation will be in English.



  • Veranstaltungsformat: Online

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